Meor Israel

Meor Israel offers university students the opportunity to tour, learn, and live in Israel over a winter or summer break. Super-charged with inspiration and featuring the most talented and motivating educators anywhere, this Israel experience is the ultimate platform for self-discovery and exploration of Jewish heritage and identity.
Internship partners with over eight hundred companies in Israel and North America. The result: you'll be sure to land a quality international internship in your field that will give you a competitive edge in acheiving your career goals. JInternship runs in cooperation with dozens of peer-based Jewish Learning Programs in both Israel and North America. More than just an internship, you'll have a chance to connect to new Jewish friends and your heritage in a deep way.

Poland Trip

How would we describe our Poland trip?
I'll tell you what it's not.
It's not Spring Break.
It's not a Euro Trip.
It's not even Birthright.
And it's not just a history trip.
It's a journey that touches every part of your soul. Your past, present and future. It's a journey that taps into your most powerful emotions. From the darkest despair to the most joyful hope.
You laugh. You cry. You dance. You mourn.
This trip is the full range of the human experience.
And in the end you walk away, stronger and more inspired.
Oh, and it's freezing. Make sure you have a good coat.
Join us on this once in a lifetime opportunity. (No, you're not going next year.) Now is the time.
Apply Now:
Heritage Retreats
Jewish University students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds come together in one of the most beautiful places in America to ask straight-forward questions about ethics, identity, and spirituality. During each session, they have the opportunity to hike, swim, or simply relax while studying with world-class educators about what it means to be Jewish in today's world.
They come away enriched and they get solid, honest answers to real life questions. Come for the experience of a lifetime!

Sinai Retreats

The Sinai program takes place in Warrensburg, New York which is nestled in the majestic foothills of the Adirondack Mountains at the junction of the Hudson and Schroon rivers. It is a two-week summer experience like nothing else in the world. Our unique program gives Jewish men and women from diverse backgrounds and affiliations an opportunity to explore what it really means to be Jewish.
There's also plenty of time for recreation and relaxing: canoeing; swimming; tennis; basketball; baseball; hiking; volleyball; water sports; ping-pong. Sinai is something that must be experienced to be understood. So get ready to challenge your mind and inspire your soul!